الثلاثاء، 10 سبتمبر 2019

The dream that will never die

The dream that will never die
Elevens years ago, when I was 10 years old I was searching for a dream, kids around me said easily that they wanted to become a doctor, teachers….etc. but for me, it wasn’t  that easy, I believed that happiness that comes from achieving things is only for minutes, then it will disappear leaving us lost without a goal So I wanted a dream that is high and I will always have to run to achieve it, I searched for years for the immortal dream.
I thought dreams like being rich, having a lot of money or big houses can never bring satisfaction and happiness to me, Going to heaven sounded like a faraway goal but it was uncertain and not clear, I wanted a dream I can see with my eyes while running to it. Helping others was my immortal dream  in high school, doing good and working in places where I can do good, sound like a nice goal but it was an open option the goal, so I take it as a guide in my search.
Some times I felt sad I wasn’t able to throw any easy to achieve, clear road dreams like other kids, I hoped I can give up in finding my immortal love.
I have other believe that happiness has to be in the road not in the end, in other words, I have to be happy while trying to achieve my dream.
Will I ever reach that imaginary dream ? is there any immortal dreams in this world? until when I will live without a dream because I can’t find my dream?
 This questions kept dragging me down. I want to know other ideas, have you ever searched for your immortal dream?
Do you think that dream really exist in this world ?
And do you think happiness has to be on the road or in the goal?

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The dream that will never die

The dream that will never die Elevens years ago, when I was 10 years old I was searching for a dream, kids around me said easily that...